U.S. President F.D. Roosevelt and Canadian Prime Minister W.L.M. King, Opening Ceremonies for the Thousand Islands International Bridge, 1938. Photo Courtesy of TIBA Archives.
Bridge Construction - Canadian Span - LTI Archives Item 011P
"The Broom and the Dustpan" in front of Lansdowne Town Hall; Music Festival, April 15, 1948.
Winnekenni Boathouse/Skiffhouse 1939; LTI Archives 2019-005 Item 006 C
Seeley's Bay: Henry Dean General Store, Willis House, St. Peter's Anglican Church. 2022-005 LTI Archives
Ivy Lea: from dock, 1926. 2012-16-023 LTI Archives
Lyndhurst: Bridge & Mills & Dam E014-5-003P LTI Archives
Rockport: Winter 1938, LTI Archives 2019-005-B Item 039