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Home Page Slide Show Photo Details Ribbon Cutting, Aug. 18, 1938 - photo courtesy of Thousand Islands Bridge Authority Archives. 20 000 people were attracted to the ceremonies. Several articles about the momentous project are to be found in our newsletter #39 Spring/Summer 2013. Bridge Construction - originally tagged as part of Bill Boulton Collection, this photo can now be found in the on-line catalogue of LTI Archives by searching 1000 Islands Bridge. It is Item 011-P of twelve photos about the bridge. "The Broom and the Dustpan" - this photo can found as part of an article
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YEAR AT A GLANCE 2024 YEAR AT A GLANCE… MEETING / PRESENTATIONS Monday 7:30 pm, Meeting Room [Seniors' Room], Community Building, 1 Jessie St., Lansdowne. April 17         May 15           Sept 18    Oct 16[AGM]      Nov 20 2024 -   Mar 18     Apr 15    May 13 Sept 16       Oct 21        Nov 13   2024 MEMBERS' FIELD TRIP Saturday May 11, 10am at Tackaberry Museum; 109 Washburn Rd.   $20/person donation to R.O.L.L. Aid Centre Food Bank. To register contact Robert Burtch.   EXECUTIVE MEETINGS Monday 7:00 pm in the lower hall,
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