Members' Private Tour of the Tackaberry Collection

May 11, 2024

Part of the group... intent on the next building. There were 17 of them!                          Image courtesy of Robert Burtch
Large, FULL buildings                                                                    Image courtesy of Robert Burtch
More tractors, though there were lots of trucks, & cars, & boats, & snowmobiles...        Image courtesy of Robert Burtch
Anne & Ralph Hunt looking at the horse-powered apparatus.                                          Image courtesy of Robert Burtch
Restored 1918 truck found in a field by a group that included Wilbert White.  Someone got a picture of Freda in front of it!    Image courtesy of James Saynor


Stephen Heaton waiting for the bus...                                                                                  Image courtesy of Robert Burtch
Kevin Tackaberry, back left, was our host & guide. Art Shaw and others take in the details of a lovely St. Lawrence River skiff.       Image courtesy of Robert Burtch
Quite a few boats in the collection with emphasis on Charleston Lake.                             Image courtesy of James Saynor
1853 European hearse                                                Image courtesy of Art Shaw



Presentation: Willow Bank Cem.etery

by Robert Burtch, April 13, 2024

Robert introduced the topic and then turned down the lights...                       Thanks to Councillor Angela Kelman for the photo.


Presentation: History of Rug-hooking in Newfoundland & Canada

by Penelope Deering,  March 18, 2024

Penelope and fellow "matter" Katherine Thomas hold up an original design depicting the life story of Pen's mother in Newfoundland.               Photo courtesy of Janet Gaylord
"Women Matters" gather every Monday (10-1) here in the Lansdowne Community Bld. No pre-requisits, from novice to master; all are learning and sharing. The social interaction is as stimulating as the exchange of creative ideas.
Early Newfoundland patterns                                                                                         Photo courtesy of Betty Lee-Daigle
An original design by Penelope, after a trip to Sicily                                                                                             Photo courtesy of Betty Lee-Daigle
Another early design:  Lovebirds                                                                                                           Photo courtesy of Betty Lee-Daigle
Janet Gaylord (responsible for programs) & Penelope Deering                                                         Photo courtesy of Glennda Olivier
A contemporary design                                                                                                    Photo courtesy of Glennda Olivier
A William Morris Design, Pen's work in progress                                                                          Photo courtesy of James Saynor
Penelope"s original design for a Christmas tree skirt (5' diameter) and an Oriental-style prayer rug                     Photo courtesy of James Saynor

Artifacts to Springfield House